Sunday, December 16, 2007

The "Gift"

He gave him an education
To prepare him for this life
Introduced him to business
Approved his choice of wife
Advised him in religion
But this he failed to heed
No matter dad's intentions
In this he greatly grieved
And as the years slipped by
His boy became a "success"
He traveled far and wide
For wealth was his great quest
Meanwhile dad grew fragile
And health began to fail
He thought about his son
And wondered how he'd failed
All the years of training
To prepare him for this life
But when it came to God
His heart was cold as ice
And yesterday he flew in
To visit his "old man"
But found him on his deathbed
With his bible in his hand
"So, I see you're still at it
- Still reaching for the stars."
His aged old dad said: "I'd rather be here,
Than standing where you are."
"My death holds no fear you see
For it's just my graduation."
"It isn't my demise, my son
It's my, - coronation! "
From his seat the son looked up
But his dad was, - gone
As the bible slid from a lifeless hand
...Into his very own.

Copyright 2007
Stan Simons/ASCAP