Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Fisher

We watched a fisher fishing
We watched him cast his "line"
It hardly made a ripple
As it sank into our minds
Then he reached into his bag
And fumbled with his bait
- He seemed so patient
As we watched him wait
- Suddenly he shouted!
Which took us by surprise
And to his net he guided
- A shiny, slimy prize!
"What bait are you using?"
One asked him from the shore
"- Just a piece of "Romans,"
A prayer, and nothing more.
- Some days you catch nothing,
But still you have to try!
For The Master said to "fish"
- Until the creek runs dry!
For He's the "Master Fisher"
And He's fishing for you, - my man
So He can take you, "Up-Stream"
Unless you've, - "other" plans!"

Copyright 2007
Stan Simons/ASCAP