Finding Shoes
Sometimes I get lucky
And make a good find
Between the dusty rows
At Goodwill, or secondhand store
They lie like diamonds in the dirt
Things others have discarded
Or simply outgrown
Once in a while
Brand new ones!
Some that someone didn’t like
And it excites me
Or is it, - “He”
Who lives so quietly
- Inside.
As we see the smiling faces
Of little kids in foreign places
Getting their very first pair
As everyone stares
Walking, running, - like the wind!
Wearing pleasure’s grin
Beneath the Kenyan sun
And we see them run
As I put them in my basket
Then take them home
Place them on the rack
Of God’s strange diplomat
Thinking how something so small
Will change it all
- For some.
Copyright 2007
Stan Simons/ASCAP